Play Coronation Day 'the, SMW

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Coronation Day 'the, SMW
Date Added: 2018-08-23
Genres : Adventure Games,Mario Games
Description: 'The, also known as Coronation Day is a fan made unofficial Super Mario World revision created by modders named Medic, Torchkas, underway. It's creepy pasta like Mario game that's really scary. featuring crazy scenes and insane graphical glitches. There is 5 different horror stories to play through featuring different Mario characters to play as. If you are a fan of Mario.exe or Sonic.exe you will probably enjoy this game. All of the ending are really entertaining, diffidently worth a play through.
Game Controls: Enter Key = Start. Arrow Keys = Move. "Z", "A", "S", "D", "C" and "X" Keys are action buttons.
Want To Play In Fullscreen? : Hold down the CTRL key and scroll the mouse middle button up to zoom in and down to zoom out.

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Instruction: Go through the levels and discover the horror mysteries of 'the coronation day.

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    this is a little creepy but idk where is Mario's sprint.

    6 years ago

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