Play Pokemon Amaryllis

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Pokemon Amaryllis
Date Added: 2016-09-07
Genres : Adventure Games,Pokemon Games
Description: In Pokemon Amaryllis you play through the beautiful region of Ohkai where rare never before seen Pokemon (Fakemon) inhabit the land. A group of trainers have formed there own team that looks for such rarity's. They are known as Team Epoch. Other mysteries for you to find out, have fun playing!
Game Controls: Enter = START. Arrow Keys = MOVE. Space Bar = SELECT. Z, X, D, C Keys = Action Play Keys. F5/F8 = Save/Load game.
Want To Play In Fullscreen? : Hold down the CTRL key and scroll the mouse middle button up to zoom in and down to zoom out.

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Instruction: Find and capture Pokemon. Discover strange things about this land.

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