Play Pokemon OutLaw

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Pokemon OutLaw
Date Added: 2016-08-01
Genres : Adventure Games,Pokemon Games
Description: In Pokemon Outlaw you play as a 15 year old orphan that comes from the slums and looks to make it great by becoming the ultimate Pokemon master. A revision that is more mature than most, language and actions.
Game Controls: Enter = START. Arrow Keys = MOVE. Space Bar = SELECT. Z, X, D, C Keys = Action Play Keys. F5/F8 = Save/Load game.
Check These Out:Oh my what a dark and violent story Outlaw has. If you want to play games with similar stories try out Pokemon Vega and the very violent Pokemon Korosu. A game about revenge and murder. Enjoy!

Want To Play In Fullscreen? : Hold down the CTRL key and scroll the mouse middle button up to zoom in and down to zoom out.

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Instruction: Quest around and try to survive in this insane world. Catch Pokemon and try to make things better.

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