Sonic Troll Island Date Added: 2019-12-20 Genres :
Adventure Games,Sonic Games Description: Sonic Troll Island is a great Sonic game if you're in the mood to get trolled. This is one of the more funny games Sonic revisions. You'll just be running along then out of nowhere Troll face will get you with a trap or something lol. If you can defeat this troll game consider yourself good at Sonic the hedgehog games. Game Controls: Enter Key = Start. Arrow Keys = Move. "Z" "X" "S" "D" and "C" Keys are action buttons. You can change controls by scrolling the game window menu at the bottom and clicking "Game Controls".
Want To Play In Fullscreen? : Hold down the CTRL key and scroll the mouse middle button up to zoom in and down to zoom out.
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Instruction: COllect rings, pass levels and try to remember hwere troll traps are.