Play Unfair Sonic One

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Unfair Sonic One
Date Added: 2016-04-25
Genres : Adventure Games,Sonic Games
Description: Oh my GOD, Sonic in in for it. In Unfair Sonic one traps are everywhere. Pretty much every zone is full of spikes, Robitnik boxes, collapsing bridges. Try your best to make it through these traps. Very fun, funny and unfair.
Game Controls: Enter Key = START. Arrow Keys = MOVE. Space Bar = SELECT. A, S, Z, X, D, C Keys = Action Play Keys. F5/F8 Keys = Save/Load game.
Check These Out: What a troll of a game that was. Its just so hard! If you want to play another similar game try out Unfair Mario and be sure to check out our massive category list of online flash Sonic games.
Want To Play In Fullscreen? : Hold down the CTRL key and scroll the mouse middle button up to zoom in and down to zoom out.

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Instruction: Prepare to die a lot. Avoid the traps, collect rings and just try to make it out alive.

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    only thing that kept me playing for hours was the tear inducing music  

    7 years ago

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