Play Super Mario Bros 3 Mix

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Super Mario Bros 3 Mix
Date Added: 2015-09-17
Genres : Adventure Games,Mario Games
Description: Super Mario Bros 3 Mix is like the original Super Mario Bros 3 that crossed paths with Super Mario 1 and 2. Letting you choose Mario, Luigi or toad as playable characters. Featuring levels from all three games but with Mario Bros 3 art style. This is a fan created unofficial revision. Hope you enjoy.
Game Controls: Enter Key = START. Arrow Keys = MOVE. Space Bar = SELECT. "Z" and "X" Keys = Action Play Keys.
Check These Out: I hope you liked this fantastic SMB3 compilation game, you will probably also like Mario Adventure, It is one of the best SMB1 revisions with amazing levels and fun factor. If you want to play even more similar fan revisions check out our massive Mario games online collection.

Want To Play In Fullscreen? : Hold down the CTRL key and scroll the mouse middle button up to zoom in and down to zoom out.

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Instruction: Go through levels collect coins, try not to die.

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    Saved during World 7 and save doesn't work.

    9 years ago
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    Game Helper

    Use "F5" and "F8" Keys as Save/Load game. They usually work most of the time if you manually save game files and load the files.

    9 years ago
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    stupid and laggy way to much

    9 years ago
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    Game control buttons are switched. Hard to play when you're so used to playing it the other way. Would be fun without that problem.

    8 years ago

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