Play Somari 2: Return To Sonic Land

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Somari 2: Return To Sonic Land
Date Added: 2019-12-19
Genres : Sonic Games,Mario Games
Description: Somari 2: Return To Sonic Land is part 2 to the classic Somari the adventurer game. This time Sonic and tails have been replaced by Mario and Luigi. This revision isnt done yet so you might encounter a few glitches, but it's very playable. It's really neat seeing this two characters in the sonic world.
Game Controls: Enter Key = Start. Arrow Keys = Move. "Z" "X" "S" "D" and "C" Keys are action buttons. You can change controls by scrolling the game window menu at the bottom and clicking "Game Controls".
Want To Play In Fullscreen? : Hold down the CTRL key and scroll the mouse middle button up to zoom in and down to zoom out.

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